iFab EasyScan Application

iFab EasyScan Application


Application/Patch Software version Details Download
iFabEasyScan 1.5.308 Performance improvements when preparing to scan, and fixes to some issues for Nvidia graphics cards. iFabEasyScan.exe

The use of iFab EasyScan requires a valid software license. To request a license for iFab EasyScan, please use the following  link or navigate to the license area via the top menu.

System requirements

  • Operating system (OS)1:
    • Windows 10, 64-bit
  • Processor (CPU):
    • Intel Core i7 - 2.5 GHz or more
  • Memory (RAM):
    • 16GB (or more)
  • Graphics (GPU):
    • Intel® Iris™ Plus-Graphics (i7), integrated (or comparable)
  • Connectivity2:
    • USB 3.0 port, WLAN


1Windows obligatory

2USB 2.0 not supported


iFab EasyScan FAQs

Technical questions

  • When I start the application
    • Ensure you have a supported Windows 10 version (currently 1809 or later)
    • If the crash only occurs when the scanner is connected, check the solutions under the section The application does not detect the scanner below. (Test this by starting the application with the scanner disconnected).
  • When starting the scanning process / during scanning
    • Check the cable connecting the scanner is not damaged. Sometimes this can cause a ‘loose connection’ that causes problems when the scanner is moving during the scan process.
  • Make sure to connect your scanner to your computer before starting the application. If you have already started the application, close it and connect the scanner. Restart the application. If the problem still occurs, restart your computer, then check if you still have the problem.
  • The correct drivers should be automatically installed when you plug in the scanner. Sometimes these drivers are not correctly installed. You can install them manually:
    • Download version from here
      • Extract the files from the .zip
      • Right-click on the RS400Camera.inf file and select install
  • The scanning process requires a good quality connection to the scanner.
    • Make sure the cable properly supports USB 3.0 (or higher). You can usually verify this is the case by checking that the end of the connector is coloured blue:
    • Make sure the USB port on your laptop/tablet supports USB 3.0 (or higher).
  • If the scanner is still not detected, please contact the support team.
  • Uploading requires a stable internet connection. For this reason, make sure you are connected to the internet before starting the upload of your scan data.
  • In case of a temporary connectivity problem, try again after 5 minutes.
  • Ensure the correct upload location is set in the settings:
  • If your data still cannot be uploaded please contact the support team.
  • The upload time depends on the bandwidth of your internet connection and the file size. The file size grows with the time taken for scanning process and the size of the target being scanned. Trying to capture only the target in the scanning volume can reduce the file size.
  • Installation on your local device requires administrator permissions. Please contact your local IT support if you are having problems installing the application.
  • Depending on the specification of your computer, the scanning process may slow down:
    • If other applications make intensive use of the graphics card
    • Over time if the machine begins to get too hot (in this case having a short break to allow the machine to cool down can help improve performance again)
  • Duration of finalization is related to the time taken for scanning the object. Trying to capture only the target in the scanning volume, and keeping the scanning time as short as possible, can reduce the time needed for the finalisation process.
  • iFab EasyScan is a solution designed for Windows platforms. Unfortunately iOS/Android devices are not supported.
  • File sizes depend on the target being scanned, however a typical scan size is typically up to 30MB.
  • Files from iFab EasyScan can be accessed at your Scan list within the iFab Customer Center after uploading. The standard file format is *.ply.
  • The scanner captures the texture of your object. Annotations made on the object e.g. with a pen, can therefore be seen on the surface of your 3D object later on.
  • You need to pair your device with your iFab Customer Center account in the beginning. For this step an internet connection is required. Afterwards the application and scanning process can be used offline. However, to upload, and process your files in an order, you need to be connected to the internet.
  • iFab EasyScan requires that the scan-object fits into a virtual three-dimensional box before starting a scan. Any object that fits into one of these virtual boxes can be captured.

Administrative questions

  • To use iFab EasyScan you need an account in the iFab Customer Center. You can create this account here. You will need to pair your device with the account. Use your credentials to login if you already have an account.
  • Verification process may take up to one business day. Permissions are refreshed after login. Make sure to refresh your session by logging out in the application and sign up again. If you still cannot use the functionality please contact the support team.
  • To get access to released functionality get in contact with your local administration. You will need to refresh your session in the application. New permissions are taken over when renewing your login.
  • Scan-files can be accessed only through the iFab Customer Center when an according license for the data export has been purchased. For more information and obtaining a license please contact your local support team.
  • You can use iFab EasyScan as standalone scanning solution. This will require a license for the data export from the iFab Customer Center. For more information on this license please contact the support team.

Utilization questions

  • Orders are submitted through the iFab Customer Center. Either click on the link in the application or go to and select your product for ordering. When uploaded from iFab EasyScan your files will show up in the list of files under the section file input. Choose there the file you want to submit an order for.
  • You do not need to use physical marker points as the scanner captures the texture of your scan-object. However, you are free to do so if this is preferred. For example, annotations can be made with a water-soluble pen.
  • The application requires the scan-object to be placed into a virtual three-dimensional box before starting a scan. Only objects located inside this box will be captured. Therefore the colours indicate the location of the scan-object in relation to the box.
    • Red colour == You reached the front end of the box. You are too close to your scan-object. Increase the distance to the object.
    • Blue colour == You reached the back end of the box. You are too far away from your scan-object. Reduce the distance to the object.
    • Green colour == The distance to your scan-object is appropriate. Make sure that the complete object shows up in green before starting the scanning process.
  • You can change to a more suitable time in the settings of your application.
  • Lighting conditions can have a major impact on the quality of the scan. You will be warned if it is detected that the lighting conditions are not suitable for capturing a good quality scan.
  • Glossy surfaces can only be scanned up to a certain degree without further aids.
  • If the tracking is lost, always return to a known position that the scanner application can recognise. This could typically be the position you started scanning from.
  • To improve the tracking, it is recommended to make an initial scan around the target at a distance before then moving in to capture more detail. In this way, the overall shape can be detected first. This increases the probability of successfully resuming tracking should this be lost during the process.
  • iFab EasyScan is not suitable for editing scan data. However limited tools will give you the possibility to crop the scan-object (upcoming).
  • Scans are automatically transferred to the archive after uploading. Switch to the tab “Archive” to review uploaded scans in the application. Scans can also be reviewed in the iFab Customer Center within the section “Scan list”.